Fun date ideas which can include the kids

Whether you’re a single mother who is now on the dating scene, or you’re already in a relationship with shared children, it can be hard to find ideas of dates whereby you don’t need to book a babysitter. Here at The Modern Day Living, we’re looking to solve this issue for you and have put together our top 10 date ideas that you can involve children in too! 

Image via: @sa3ah

  1. Picnic at the park

This is a no brainer, pack up a picnic and head to a nearby nice park for a relaxing picnic. Whether you opt for a picnic with a playground, or pack your own games for the kids to play, you’ll be sure to have some time with your significant other whilst still keeping an eye on your children. 

  1. Visiting food trucks 

It might be a standalone food truck, or you might have a local food truck park where the options are endless. Regardless of that, you’ll be able to bring your children along and they’ll love the aspect of a food truck, whilst you’re able to get out of the house and not have to worry about cooking!

  1. Movie night

You could do this either at home, or at the cinemas. Opting for the home option means you can deck out the living room with pillows, fairy lights and yummy food. Otherwise, head to the cinemas and sit in peace whilst watching a suitable movie. 

  1. Go for a walk in the park

Not only will this be a nice time outside, but it will also get some exercise into your children to hopefully result in a big nap afterwards. Consider going on a walking track that you haven’t done before or opt for a local nearby. 

  1. Do a cooking class

Whether this be online via a viewing platform, or in an establishment, cooking is a great way to have some fun and get the kids involved in the process. Our top tip? Have some wine on hand for extra adult fun!

  1. Go camping 

Another option whereby you could either visit a camping site for a bonfire and marshmallows, or set up a tent in the backyard! The kids will be excited and you’ll be able to disconnect from the real world with your significant other for a while. 

  1. Do a paint and sip class

Reserving the “sip” element for adults only, painting is a super fun option which the kids will also love. There is a rise of establishments that offer painting classes, otherwise, buy some paint and canvas online and make a class for yourself at home. 

  1. Go to the beach

Visiting the beach is a super fun option for those who have access to it. Pack a bag with some drinks, snacks and some games for the children to play whilst at the beach, then sit back and relax. Don’t forget the sunscreen! 

  1. Go to a sporting event

Sporting events are great if they interest both partners, the kids are able to sit down next to you so you can keep an eye on them whilst you watch the game unfold. 

  1. Visit a winery

Most wineries will still allow you to book a table with children, and bonus points for a winery whereby you can explore the vineyard with your kids. A boujee option where you can enjoy some delicious food, wine, and make some memories.