Struggling to introduce veggies into your child’s diet?

Getting your kids to start eating fruit and vegetables by choice can be a struggle for parents worldwide! Once your child gets the idea in their head that they don’t like vegetables and fruit, it can be hard to change their mind on this. However, we’re here to help and give you our top tips on getting more fruit and veggies in their diet!

1 – Monster pasta

Labelling foods “monster pasta” or other playful names is a great way to get them to unknowingly increase their vegetable intake. Our favourite dish using this method is the monster pasta. Monster pasta is typically made up of a sauce of blended spinach and avocado stirred into cooked pasta. However – be creative! If you’re wanting to introduce other greens into their diet such as broccoli go for your life! Presenting the dish in a playful manner is a great way to get your children excited for dinner. Inspiration soured from @recipearce on Instagram.

Image via: @recipearce

2 – Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to increase fruit intake in children. The bright colours of the smoothie will definitely be enticing for them to try, and they’re super yummy too! Mix it up with berries, bananas, spinach, avocado, honey, chia seeds – whatever you feel like adding. If you’re worried about your child’s protein intake, you could also consider adding a child-friendly protein supplement too.

3- Add veggies to existing meals they enjoy

Adding finely chopped vegetables to existing meals/sauces that your children already enjoy is a great way to introduce vegetables without introducing completely new dishes that they too might reject. Think spaghetti bolognese, a classic simple dish which most children love! You can add finely chopped zucchini, carrot and mushrooms, just to name a few, to subtly fill the meal with vegetables and keep the classic taste.