Must Have Items To Add To Your Registry

The best person to ask about registry must haves? A new mom, and we did just that. New moms have been through it all- the late-night diaper changes, the blowouts, the sleepless nights, and the “why won’t they stop crying” phases. Asking a new mom what they couldn’t live without in the first year of babyhood is like asking directions to your destination that you’re late to: vital. From swaddles to swings, here’s our roundup of must have items to add to your registry that new mamas swear by.

 The Ollie Swaddle

There are so many swaddles on the market today. While you could go the traditional route and learn how to swaddle with a blanket, not all of us are blessed with the skills needed to get that perfectly snug fold to soothe a baby’s cry. Thankfully, there’s options out there that do all the work for you, like The Ollie Swaddle. This one-and-done swaddle uses velcro to get that snug and cozy feel for the baby to sleep through the night peacefully.

4 Moms MamaRoo4 Infant Seat

Not quite a traditional swing (you know, the one that rocks back and forth), the 4 Moms MamaRoo4 Infant Seat does so much more. With five different motions and five different speeds, you’ll always be able to find the perfect match for baby’s mood. Plus, it comes in different colors and prints to go with your home’s aesthetic and it doesn’t take up too much room.

Willow Wearable Pump

Gone are the days of being glued to the corner of the sofa with your pump plugged into the wall. Now, you can do the things you need to do around the house or at work while pumping with the wearable Willow Pump. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and has a reusable and self-sealing milk container. Pumping couldn’t be easier!

Infantino Twist & Fold Activity Gym and Play Mat

You’re going to want to have somewhere to set the baby down where they can use their senses and hear intriguing sounds, so you need a play mat. Double points for one that’s as cute as this tropical one!

Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger

You’re also going to want to have a lounger for baby to lay next to you in the bed or on the sofa, and the Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger is so cozy for your little one! You can buy additional covers in colors and prints, too. Just make sure to never leave your baby unattended in their lounger as they can roll over and suffocate without supervision.