Make The Most Out Of Your Sunday

Sunday’s are a get s*** done day. Whether you have children or not, Sundays bring the perfect opportunity to prepare yourself and complete the necessary jobs to start your week on a positive note come Monday. Therefore, if you are wanting to make the most out of your Sunday, it is important to have a routine that allows you to get done what you need to do. Here at The Modern Day Living, we are passionate about getting the most out of our Sundays, and we would love to help you do the same! Read on for our Sunday rituals that ensure we are in the best position to have a productive and enjoyable week.

  • Book all appointments for the week 

Whether this is your gym classes, doctor’s appointments or beauty appointments. Sit down and plan out your week around your non-negotiable schedules, such as work or your mother’s duties, and then highlight the times where you will be able to fit in appointments like the above. Having your week planned out will help you commit to the appointments you’ve made. 

  • Restock the fridge and pantry 

There is nothing worse than returning home after work on the first day of the week and realising that you have nothing in the fridge to cook. Planning out your meals on Sunday and heading to the shops to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients will allow you to be organised and stay on track throughout the week. 

  • Do the washing 

Whether this is changing your bedsheets, putting a load of towels on or cleaning your clothes from the weekend, beginning the week with an empty washing basket will ensure that you don’t fall behind with the washing if you end up having a flat-out week. 

  • Do something for yourself 

It may be whilst the washing machine is on, or whilst your dinner is in the oven cooking, but sitting down even if it is just for 30 minutes, will allow you to relax and rejuvenate your mind before heading into a new week.