5 Ways To Simplify Busy Mornings

It’s a proven fact: mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. If your morning starts off frantic, rushed, and hectic, it will most definitely leave you feeling stressed out for the rest of the day. If there never seems to be enough time in the mornings to get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door, it’s time to re-evaluate your morning routine. While this task might seem daunting, with a few easy tweaks, there are ways to simplify even the busiest of mornings. 

Wake up earlier

This one’s obvious, but if you feel like you never have enough time in the morning, you’re probably right. The only way you’re going to be able to expand your mornings is to wake up earlier. I know what you’re thinking right now, “no way I can do that”. Yes, you can. While every second of sleep is treasured time, you’ll feel a whole lot better about your day if you’re able to sit down in the morning and relax for a second instead of running around crazily. Start by setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier than your usual wakeup time. From there, try setting it 20 minutes earlier, and then 30 minutes earlier. There’s a ton that you can get done in half an hour. 

Make a plan

Make your morning a smoothly operating machine with a plan of attack. The night before, sit down and write out everything that needs to get done in order. Estimate how much time each task or activity takes and add all that time up. Add an extra 10-20 minutes to that total in case breakfast runs over your allotted time or the little ones can’t decide what they want to wear for the day. In the morning, cross each activity off your list as you complete them. Having a visual of everything that needs to get done will make things so much easier. 

Prep the night before

Whatever you can prepare the night before, do it. Make an easy breakfast that can be reheated in the morning like oatmeal or an egg bake. Lay out everyone’s clothes for the day from head to toe. Make and pack lunches the night before to store in the refrigerator. Being prepared will free up lots of time in the morning. 

Go with the flow

If your morning coffee spills or you don’t have time to get your workout in, remember that mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. Instead of letting things get to you or stress you out, choose to go with the flow and stay positive. This mentality will make you a happier and better mama.